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Personalised video: how does it work?

Personalised video is a powerful tool for capturing the attention of your customers and prospects and generating engagement. Find out in this article how to create thousands of personalised videos quickly and easily. Personalised video will no longer hold any secrets for you!

To maximise customer satisfaction, customer engagement, marketing effectiveness and profitability, more and more companies are making the choice to use personalised video in their marketing strategy. In 2020, these same companies face similar challenges:

  1. Leveraging the data collected from customers and prospects
  2. Communicating in a personalised way to maximise the impact of messages

How can you quickly and easily send thousands of personalised videos to your customers and prospects? What solutions should you use? What are the steps to follow?

All the mechanisms of personalised video will no longer hold any secrets for you…

What is personalised video?

Personalised video is an excellent way to communicate with your customers or prospects. Personalisation is possible thanks to the data collected on your customers and prospects (title, surname, first name, profession, date of contract subscription, etc.). This data depends on the context and your communication objectives. This way, he receives a personalised message that meets 100% of his needs and expectations.

Let’s take the example of Mr. Rocher who has had an accident and who calls his Groupama teleconsultant to find out about the different stages of his treatment.

Following this call, Mr. Rocher will receive a personalised video from his insurance company, which includes all the elements mentioned during the call and which will explain to him the steps to follow to make his declaration.

Before the personalised video, customers were often panicked and tended to forget the information given by the call centre agent. Now, by sending a personalised video after the call, Mr. Rocher can review it at any time and not forget anything.

The personalised video has therefore enabled Groupama to reduce the number of consecutive re-calls and has helped to reassure the customer and increase satisfaction by making the message understandable.

How is personal data transferred to the video?

Generating thousands of personalised videos in a matter of seconds is very simple!

Here are the 5 steps to create personalised videos with the VIDATA solution:

After defining your objectives(acquisition, loyalty or reactivation) and your personalisation criteria (personal data of your customers and prospects) for your personalised video, comes the creation stage.

  • Creating the template for the personalised video

For the sending of your personalised video, a template will be created by motion designers.

This template, which is a unique video model, can be sent in a personalised way to all your prospects and clients, once their personal data has been integrated into the video (title, surname, first name, situation, etc.).

How can you integrate the personal data of your customers and prospects into this template to generate thousands of videos?

  • The connection between your CRM and the VIDATA solution

The VIDATA solution automatically connects to the CRM you are using (Salesforce, Hubspot, etc.) and thus allows you to transfer all customer data in a very fastway.

The connection to the VIDATA solution can be done in two possible ways:

> Importing customer data manually

> Importing customer data automatically

If you choose to connect your tool to the solution via API, it is as if you were bridging the gap between the two. Data can then be easily transferred from your CRM to the solution. Find out more about our API by clicking here.

If you choose to connect your tool to the solution via an FTP repository, you will create a file with all your customer data. The solution will regularly synchronise with this file to have access to all your data.

  • Integrating the video player into your marketing system

You can choose between 3 effectiveways of sending your personalised video:

> Following a form: a personalised video is sent (by email or sms) to your customer or prospect following the completion of a form. The video can be sent in real time or after a time lapse chosen by you.

> Push e-mail or SMS: your customer or prospect receives a personalised e-mail or SMS in which they can click on an animated GIF. This click will redirect them to a landing page where they can view their personalised video. The sending can be triggered by an action/inaction carried out by the prospect or customer: completion of an online form, call to a telephonist, cart abandonment, customer inactivity for more than X days, etc.

> After logging in to the customer area, your customer will be able to watch his or her personalised video directly.

Of course, all custom videos are responsiveand can be viewed on all devices.

  • Sending your personalised videos

You have the possibility of carrying out testsin order to validate the correct functioning of the personalised video in real conditions. Once these tests have been carried out, your videos are finally ready to be sent!

  • Analyse the results of your personalised videos

Sending personalised videos is good, but analysingthe results is even better!

The VIDATA platform allows you to analyse each of your personalised video campaigns: click-through rate, open rate, completion rate, read rate, etc.

These KPIswill allow you to improve certain aspects of your videos in order to considerably increase the impact of your next campaigns: optimisation of the length of the video and the messages, etc.

Do you want to deploy a personalised video solution to achieve your goals?

Contact one of our VIDATA experts for more information.

Par :
Pauline Dahirellinkedin
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