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Send personalised videos to: convert your prospectsBuild customer loyaltyImprove your customer service

Thanks to Vidata, digital marketing leaders outperform their marketing objectives and make their customers happy.

By use case

  • Acquisition
  • Onboarding
  • Loyalty
  • Reactivation
  • Selfcare after-sales service
  • Human Ressources

Sending personalized videos has never been easier


The ability to quickly generate personalized videos for all your contacts, from a single video template


Creation of a customer video template


A secure API to import your data


An integration of personalized video at any time of your multi-channel journey: sms, email, landing page, customer area...

Customer voice

Satisfaction surveys integrated at the end of the video

Digital Marketing Leaders Love Using Vidata
projects ico
Head of the Direct Marketing Business Digital Department
Julie Hubert
Vidata has enabled us to significantly enhance the performance of the Sosh sponsorship by improving customer engagement. The personalised video device has improved the effectiveness of our communication.
Marketing Director of the Belles Demeures Luxury Division
Clotilde Berenguer
Personalisation is a real added value, which allows the user to have the impression that the agency is going to give them a customised response directly. This is where the direct benefit in terms of conversion and turnover of the video comes from.
Head of Omnichannel Development BU Amétis Network & Social Protection
Antonis Giannisopoulos
The Vidata solution has enabled us to effectively promote the various digital channels available to our customers, to enhance the value of the customer area and the services offered to them and finally to communicate on our self-care strategy.
Business Unit Manager
Vincent Mosneron
This Welcome pack video was unanimously appreciated by our customers, because not only did it allow them to project themselves into their holidays in a customised way, but above all it detailed the sanitary process of managing arrivals in an educational and reassuring way.
Recruitment & Career Manager, Training
Stéphanie Le Lay
The personalised video allowed us to quickly promote our remuneration policies, which are too often unknown, and our social benefits to the employees of Groupama Loire Bretagne. Vidata proved that personalisation associated with the video format is a real solution for building long-term loyalty among our employees around a strong employer brand.
Marketing Director Switzerland
This onboarding video was unanimously appreciated by our customers and internal teams, because not only does it confirm the leasing by reminding them of the subscribed offer, but above all it details in an educational and reassuring manner the payment methods (specific to Switzerland) as well as the possibilities the customer will have at the end of the leasing. A real plus for the customer experience!
Direct Marketing Manager
Delphine Bonnefont
Today's world is pushing us towards more and more individualised and personalised interactions. This is the objective that UNADEV pursues during its teleprospecting campaigns to increase the impact of its message. Thanks to Vidata, we have taken a new step forward with the implementation of a customised and multi-channel relationship, perfectly meeting our challenges.
Sales Manager, EDF - IDF Commercial Division
Myriam Doucoure
Sending a personalised video to our customers makes up for a lack of anticipation on the part of the salesperson and the customer. This has a positive impact on the customer relationship because it is a personalised and facilitating approach on the sales side, particularly for making appointments. Finally, by enhancing the customer's value, it has contributed to increasing their satisfaction and loyalty.
Director of Communication and Sponsorship, Institut Pasteur de Lille
Cedric Bouquet
In view of the crisis we are going through, solidarity and donations are essential to allow the teams of the Pasteur Institute of Lille to accelerate their research and in particular to develop new therapeutic approaches against Coronavirus. Vidata, iRaiser and Big Success have joined forces to develop Probono, a digital and viral donation appeal solution using personalised video. We thank them for their help!
Operational Excellence and Customer Satisfaction Manager
Sandrine Crépin
We wanted to remind the customer of the offer they had, while reassuring them of their choices, in order to increase trust and commitment towards the brand. We also wanted to encourage customers to download the AXA Bank application. The personalised video solution enabled us to meet these challenges. We had very responsive teams and an intuitive platform.
Communications & Digital Marketing Director
Sonia Da Cruz
The video is also very popular with new employees. They especially appreciate the welcome message which allows them to feel better integrated into the group.
Responsable du service indemnisation
Nadia Roignant
Responsable du service indemnisation Responsable du service indemnisation
Marketing and CRM Project Manager
Delphine Laporte
We wanted to implement actions to improve the understanding of revolving credit, while boosting its activation and reactivation. The Vidata solution provided us with a combined response to these two challenges. The support offered by Vidata is based on a test and learn approach and allowed us to improve the system month after month.
Head of Compensation Department
Nadia Roignant
Vidata offers a very effective solution for communicating with our customers. The results are impressive on all levels: customers are very satisfied with the attention they receive and we have improved the cost effectiveness of our communication.

How does it work?

how work
Creation of a custom video template
A video template is created by us with the help of our exceptional motion designers
how work
Connecting your CRM to Vidata
No development is necessary, our team accompanies you in this step
how work
Sending of personalised videos
Boradcasting via emailing and/or rich SMS, in real-time or delayed
how work
Satisfaction measurement
Measure satisfaction with an integrated questionnaire at the end of the video
Discover the benefits of Personalised Video
An expert will present the Vidata Solution to you in detail to increase the profitability of your marketing actions and build customer loyalty.
Optimize the performance of your loyalty campaigns.

Send your customers personalised videos at key moments in their customer journey to optimise performance. Enchant their customer experience by building a personalised and lasting relationship.

  • Engage your customers from their first purchase
  • Train
  • Boost the results of your cross-sell / up-sell strategies
  • Increase the recurrence of use of your product/service
  • Reactivate your inactive customers
  • Measure your customers' satisfaction with a questionnaire at the end of the video
Boost the performance of your conversion funnel

Use personalised videos as an acquisition tool: send your prospects personalised videos to improve their understanding of your offer and turn them into customers more easily.

  • Arouse the interest of your prospects
  • Train your customers
  • Improve the effectiveness of your follow-ups
  • Convert more prospects into customers
  • Measure the relevance of your content with a questionnaire at the end of the video
Reduce the number of low-value calls

Combine people and technology to boost your self-care strategy: send your customers personalised videos to give them a quick and unique response and ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.

  • Increase your NPS
  • Increase the quality of your customer service
  • Increase your operational efficiency
  • Reduce the time it takes to process customer complaints
  • Reduce the number of callbacks
  • Measure customer satisfaction with a questionnaire at the end of the video