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How to personalise the Employee Experience?

For several years, human resources have been modernised, giving more importance to well-being at work. New positions such as “Happiness Manager” have been created, for example. Find out in this article how to personalise your Employee Experience.

Companies spent an average of $2420 per person in 2019 on initiatives to improve the employee experience. These initiatives typically include flexible working policies, office redesigns, or learning and development opportunities.

But the return on investmentfrom such initiatives is disappointing: only 13% of employees are fully satisfiedwith their work experience.

Despite all these efforts to provide a positive experience at work, why are companies still hitting a brick wall?

The answer: The strategies deployed so far lack personalization.

Standardised HR approaches are no longer in vogue and it is becoming essential to personalisethem. In the same way that we offer a tailor-made service to our customers, we must offer a tailor-made HR service to our employees.

Personalisation is a marketing strategy that consists of contextualising experiences and messagesaccording to the characteristics of the employee.

It consists of offering a unique employee experience, adapted to his or her profile. The personalisation of the employee experience is taking place in a context of changing practices where employees are placing more and more importance on their well-being at work and where digitalisationis becoming increasingly important. In this context, the personalisation of the employee experience, that is to say, the need for an employee to be considered in his or her uniqueness, responds both to a new expectation on the part of the latter and to a challenge of differentiation for companies that are facing an increasingly fierce war for talent.

This need is all the more acute with generations Y and Z (born after 1981) who have grown up in a world that is becoming more and more digital every day. They no longer have the same professional expectations as previous generations.

In particular, as consumers, they have become accustomed to receivingultra-personalised communications from brands. And it is only natural that they expect the same from their employers.

Employees are looking for ameaningful and personalized connection with their employer. 56% say their employer should understand them in the same way they understand their customers.

Your challenges: attract and engage talent

The challenge of personalisation is particularly important today as companies are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit and retain the right talent.

In 2016, worldwide, 40% of companies had difficulty recruiting.

In a world where the link is more unstable, where the engagementof new generations is more critical, where companies face a real difficulty to recruit and retain skills, generating a positive employee experience is a satisfaction leverthat allows the company to differentiate itself as an employer, toattract and mobilize the best talents, to aim for excellence.

Providing a personalised employee experience will have beneficial effects on the level of motivation and productivity of employees. The employee experience is decisive in the performance of companies: the commitment and motivation of employees have become central to differentiate themselves from other players.

Every company today must ask itself: what experience do I offer my employees today, and how can I improve it? What is currently preventing my employees from finding the framework and resources in work that allow them to develop and achieve their full potential?

Digital and Big Data at the service of the employee experience

On a daily basis, it is now easy to collect a lot of operational dataon each employee, from their recruitment to their departure.

Why not use this data to personalise the relationship with each employee?

Digital technology then appears to be a catalyst for individuality. It is a wonderful tool to use to personalise the employee experience.

By combining digital with an in-depth analysis of the data collected on employees, it is now possible to identify their needs and respond to them in the best possible way.

By identifying and responding to their needs in a personalised way, the company will significantly reduceits turnover rate. By using previously collected data on why employees of the same profile stayed or left the company, the company will be able to retain its talent as long as possible.

A solution: personalised video

Many solutions exist today to personalise the relationship that companies have with their employees.

Among them, personalised videoseems to match the expectations of the latter in terms of digitalisation. It will indeed allow to communicate in a fun, educational and personalized way with them, at different moments of their life cycle within the company:

  • At the time of onboarding, sending a personalised video to the new employee will enable them to better understand their new tasks. It will also reassurethem by providing them with information that concerns them and to which they can refer if they forget.
  • At the time of the new employee’s training, sending them a personalised video will engage them more strongly by improving their understanding and encouraging them to remember the information.
  • At any time to build loyalty by communicating the advantagesof working for the company: remuneration, social benefits, etc.

Thus, as we have seen, building a strong employee experience is one of the main challenges for internal communication in 2020 and for the years to come. To support this experience, personalised video is a tool capable of meeting the needs of your employees. Don’t wait any longer to use it!

Par :
Pauline Dahirellinkedin
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